Real World ThinManager | Part 12

Multiple Sites

• Switchover to thin clients left one branch with new PCs.
• Other branches deployed ThinManager Ready thin clients.

• Duplicate success of thin clients to branch with ThinManager’s WinTMC to protect PC investment.

A worldwide manufacturing company started to standardize on ThinManager and installed thin clients at four of their locations.

Another location had just deployed PCs throughout their plant, but once they saw how well the ThinManager Ready thin clients worked and how much money it saved, they wanted to switch to ThinManager. [...]

Real World ThinManager | Part 11

Medical Equipment Manufacturing

• IT maintaining and updating 100+ PCs on a weekly basis.

• Deployed thin clients and ThinManager’s WinTMC to existing PCs.
• IT can now manage and update the servers that deliver the application.

The IT department of a medical company had to patch and update over 100 PCs, usually every week, to deliver the latest version of Microsoft Office.

They switched to ThinManager and were able to move most of the users to ThinManager Ready thin clients. This allowed them to support and maintain two Office Suite terminal servers instead of 60 PCs. [...]