Every Friday, we dedicate this space to sharing solutions for some of the most frequently asked questions posed to our ThinManager Technical Support team. This weekly feature will help educate ThinManager users and provide them with answers to questions they may have about licenses, installation, integration, deployment, upgrades, maintenance, and daily operation. Great technical support is an essential part of the ThinManager platform, and we are constantly striving to make your environment as productive and efficient as possible.
Month: September 2012
MailBag Friday (#18)
Every Friday, we dedicate this space to sharing solutions for some of the most frequently asked questions posed to our ThinManager Technical Support team. This weekly feature will help educate ThinManager users and provide them with answers to questions they may have about licenses, installation, integration, deployment, upgrades, maintenance, and daily operation. Great technical support is an essential part of the ThinManager platform, and we are constantly striving to make your environment as productive and efficient as possible.
Bringing a whole new meaning to “State-Of-The-Art”
For more than a decade, ThinManager by ACP has been helping companies and municipalities manage State-Of-The-Art automated facilities across the globe. Chances are that every day, you buy or use a product or service that ThinManager has helped deliver to you.
Over the years, our ever-expanding customer base has become the impetus for more ThinManager training and education offerings. From our Roadshow which comes to your hometown to deliver product knowledge to your front door, to our large product launch events, we have always looked for new and better ways to make sure that you get the most out of your ThinManager based thin client systems.
The Greatest ROI Comes From the Money You Don’t Have to Spend
Last month, we discussed how the often used “Return on Investment” statistic is one that is skewed by the data that is or is not used to determine initial cash layout of a proposed deployment. However, one important part of that equation that has always been unavoidable when pricing out a proposed deployment is hardware. When thin clients were first introduced, their initial cost savings over PCs was obvious. But over the last decade, PC prices have continued to drop while thin client prices have, for the most part, stayed the same. A quick review of new product press releases this month from manufacturers such as AIS, HP, Acer, and Ncomputing shows that while some thin clients can still be purchased at a very manageable price point, most of the current models on the market can cost up to $700 per unit.
MailBag Friday (#17)
Every Friday, we dedicate this space to sharing solutions for some of the most frequently asked questions posed to our ThinManager Technical Support team. This weekly feature will help educate ThinManager users and provide them with answers to questions they may have about licenses, installation, integration, deployment, upgrades, maintenance, and daily operation. Great technical support is an essential part of the ThinManager platform, and we are constantly striving to make your environment as productive and efficient as possible.