System Integrator Uses ThinManager and Thin Clients to Increase Visualization, Cut Costs for National Operations Center

WachsField Technologies deployed ThinManager and thin client hardware to drive multiple 60” high-definition TVs in order to build a hypervisual national data operations center. Not only was the project a major success, but they also saved the customer a ton of money. Here’s how they did it.

The Setup

When Robert Maxfield first learned about his customer’s desire to create a modern national data operations center, the customer already had some idea of how they would want it to be built out. The original idea included a ton of expensive video hardware that would be able to drive video output cards capable of running several high-definition TVs. [...]

Stratus Technologies on the Cutting “Edge”

Stratus Technologies, a longtime partner of ThinManager, has developed and released a new server, the Stratus ztC Edge.  Stratus supported the ThinManager platform when it was produced by ACP and now as part of Rockwell Automation line of products.  We are pleased to share this release information and welcome an amazing new piece of technology to the industrial ecosphere.

Congratulations to Panacea Technologies

In the course of providing solutions to customers, Panacea Technologies not only found a great technology to improve their customer’s computing, but they also found a way to create a new offering that has the potential to change the benchtop and small-scale reactor space for the better. That technology is ThinManager from Rockwell Automation.

Last week we posted about Panacea Technologies and all that they have achieved with the expansion of their OpenBio platform. We are pleased to follow up that post with the announcement that Panacea has been recognized and received the 2018 Pharma Innovation Award. [...]

Show Me ThinManager

The question we get asked the most is, “What is ThinManager?”  (If you don’t know the answer, take a look here at a post we did in August.)  The second question we hear is, “Can you show me ThinManager?”

With ThinManager, seeing is believing.  In fact, with all the amazing capability packed in to ThinManager, you have to see it to believe it. Luckily, we’ve got you covered!

Most months of the year, some of our crew is on the road in North America and Europe to show live what ThinManager can do.  There is no cost to attend so there is really no excuse not to.  Visit the Roadshow Page for details. [...]

Believe In Innovation

Technology moves fast.  But never as fast as it has in the last 20 years. In 1995 Windows 95 brought personal computers even more into everyone’s homes, and the internet entered commercialized public consciousness.

Most all of us now carry small personal computers (in the form of smart phones) in our pockets, and a day without using the internet doesn’t exist.  Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality hardware are predicted to become main stream next year while many already use a digital personal assistant like Siri or Amazon Echo. [...]