From the moment the music started and the partition wall was removed in a backlit shroud of darkness, attendees of the ThinManager 6.0 Launch Event started thinking that this was not going to be a typical expo event. Less than 10 minutes later as the lights came up on a large room filled with rocket shaped display booths and more technology than they could shake a stick at, that feeling was confirmed.
Immediately following, Matt Crandell, CEO of Automation Control Products, took to the stage and clearly conveyed the magnitude of this event to a packed house. There would be no product pitch or chest thumping because the ThinManager platform could stand alone without a need for bells and whistles. There would be no “dead time” or aimless wandering because there was something for everyone regardless of the time of day. And most importantly, there would be ample opportunity for everyone to experience a true interactive environment. “The best way to explain the product is to put it in people’s hands and let them experience it for themselves,” said Crandell.