ThinManager 6.0 What You Need to Know (#2)

Over the next month, we will be spotlighting some of the new features being introduced with the release of ThinManager 6.0, as well as improvements to existing features. With so many additions and advancements to our thin client management platform over the last year, we felt it was important to give you a detailed look at what ThinManager 6.0 brings to the table:


ThinManager originally released TermSecure years ago during the ThinManager 3.0 launch.  Since then, it has become a favorite of end users, integrators, and many people in the ACP office.  Originally offered as an additional module for added security, it has evolved into a “must have” feature for any industrial location or application. [...]

ThinManager 6.0 What You Need to Know (#1)

Over the next month, we will be spotlighting some of the new features being introduced with the release of ThinManager 6.0, as well as improvements to existing features. With so many additions and advancements to our thin client management platform over the last year, we felt it was important to give you a detailed look at what ThinManager 6.0 brings to the table:


ThinManager now allows you to convert a single monitor thin client to a multi monitor thin client   By purchasing a 3rd party adaptor (DL 195 Chipset), you can now convert a single monitor thin client to a dual monitor thin client.  Not only is it an inexpensive upgrade, butit also eliminates the need to purchase new thin clients to take advantage of MultiMonitor and MultiSession technology offered by ThinManager. [...]

Chevron North America Exploration & Production using ThinManager to power production


Since 1879, Chevron has been on the cutting edge of exploration and innovation. Over the years they have grown and changed with the times and have always continued to evolve along with the needs of the world. Today, they are not only one of the largest companies in the world; they are a global leader in technology. When Chevron needed a new technology for plant management, they chose ThinManager.

Time to Upgrade

For years, Chevron had used custom built remote units for their facilities to work within custom parameters specific to their industry regulations. After years of dealing with the added resource cost in cash and labor, a project manager made the suggestion to switch to thin clients as a hardware solution at a specific plant. The suggestion was met with approval and they began the task of searching for a thin client management platform that could meet their needs. [...]

Real World ThinManager | Part 12

Multiple Sites

• Switchover to thin clients left one branch with new PCs.
• Other branches deployed ThinManager Ready thin clients.

• Duplicate success of thin clients to branch with ThinManager’s WinTMC to protect PC investment.

A worldwide manufacturing company started to standardize on ThinManager and installed thin clients at four of their locations.

Another location had just deployed PCs throughout their plant, but once they saw how well the ThinManager Ready thin clients worked and how much money it saved, they wanted to switch to ThinManager. [...]

Real World ThinManager | Part 11

Medical Equipment Manufacturing

• IT maintaining and updating 100+ PCs on a weekly basis.

• Deployed thin clients and ThinManager’s WinTMC to existing PCs.
• IT can now manage and update the servers that deliver the application.

The IT department of a medical company had to patch and update over 100 PCs, usually every week, to deliver the latest version of Microsoft Office.

They switched to ThinManager and were able to move most of the users to ThinManager Ready thin clients. This allowed them to support and maintain two Office Suite terminal servers instead of 60 PCs. [...]

Real World ThinManager | Part 10


• User interface needed underground in dusty, harsh environment.

• Servers installed at ground-level in controlled rooms.
• Thin clients deployed in the mine.
• IT maintains and monitors from the ground-level.

One of the shafts in this mine extends over a mile into the earth into an extremely dusty environment that is particularly hostile to computers. A PC failure meant an hour delay while a replacement is brought down from the surface. The only alternative was to setup a computer shop manned by IT underground. Neither alternative was acceptable. [...]

ThinManager 5.0 XLi to be Released Hot on the Heels of v4.1!

Just last month we announced the March release of ThinManager 4.1 that will include Virtualization management tools and a brand new iPhone app.

This month we are proud to announce the June release of ThinManager 5.0 XLi!

This version of ThinManager will be able to boot thin clients from a wide range of vendors like HP, Wyse, Lenovo and many others. You can check our compatibility list to see what thin clients already work. If you don’t see your model just fill out the MyThinClient form at and we’ll test your model to see if it will work with the new ThinManager XLi! [...]

Real World ThinManager | Part 9


• IT and production are in separate facilities.
• IT was losing valuable resources while traveling to other sites for maintenance.

• ThinManager Remote Administration allows IT to control and manage a remote site from one location.

Many companies have one IT department that covers a number of locations requiring the IT staff to make regular visits to the other plants for maintenance and repair.

Using standard ThinManager utilities this same staff has access to all remote sites allowing the IT staff to manage them from a central location. They can even shadow sessions and view process and load statistics. [...]

Real World ThinManager | Part 8


• Paper oriented dispatch system forced operators to central area for each new order.

• Wireless thin clients mounted on forklifts allowed operators to receive instructions “on the go”.
• Scanners on serial port allowed verification using barcodes on delivered products.

A manufacturer used a primitive paper system for dispatching the forklifts to deliver materials used in the process. After each run the forklifts would need to return to the dispatch office for the next package of paperwork. [...]

Real World ThinManager | Part 7

Food Production

• Night-shift worker installed an application with a virus on a PC.
• The infected PC controlled the HVAC system and could not close vents for fumigation.
• The plant had to stop production for 4 days to allow re-scheduling of the required treatment.

• Thin clients prevent access to operating system.

Fumigation of a large food production site takes careful planning and coordination to guarantee safety and prevent contamination. Fumigations are scheduled during employee holidays to prevent production interruption. [...]