MailBag Friday (#5)

Every Friday, we dedicate this space to sharing Technical Support emails we have recently received.  Our hope is that this weekly feature will help to educate other ThinManager users and provide them with answers to questions they may have about licenses, installation, integration, deployment, upgrades, maintenance, and daily operation.  Great Technical Support is an essential part of any software product, and we are constantly striving to make your environment as productive and efficient as possible. [...]

Five Ways to Get Thin This Summer

It is that time of the year again.  The days are getting longer, the nights are getting warmer, and the cover has been taken off the pool.  With summer right around the corner, people everywhere are trying to get thin in time for swimsuit season.  But what about your office?  Your factory?  Your remote facilities?  Fear not, ThinManager has five simple tips for them to get thin this summer:

1) Eliminate Bloat:

Reclaim your desk by getting rid of your big PC towers and huge CRT monitors.  By switching to thin clients, you can greatly reduce your energy costs and enjoy a more efficient work environment.  A thin client network will allow your infrastructure to stay agile and allow you to easily change your architecture whenever there is a need.  ThinManager knows that there is no easier way to manage thin clients than the ThinManager Platform…and an organized and agile business is a successful business. [...]

MailBag Friday (#4)

Every Friday, we dedicate this space to sharing Technical Support emails we have recently received.  Our hope is that this weekly feature will help to educate other ThinManager users and provide them with answers to questions they may have about licenses, installation, integration, deployment, upgrades, maintenance, and daily operation.  Great Technical Support is an essential part of any software product, and we are constantly striving to make your environment as productive and efficient as possible. [...]

The Future of Thin in the Cloud


With the continued explosion of cloud computing, and rapid growth in tablet sales, is there a place for more thin client growth in what is still a PC dominated landscape? On paper, cloud computing and thin client networks would seem to be in direct opposition.  The cloud allows for sharing data with no centralized storage point while thin client networks provide multiple access points to data through one centralized place or server.  And yet, these two vastly different approaches to network computing seem to be moving forward in the same direction…away from the NEED for PCs. [...]

MailBag Friday (#3)

Every Friday, we dedicate this space to sharing Technical Support emails we have recently received.  Our hope is that this weekly feature will help to educate other ThinManager users and provide them with answers to questions they may have about licenses, installation, integration, deployment, upgrades, maintenance, and daily operation.  Great Technical Support is an essential part of any software product, and we are constantly striving to make your environment as productive and efficient as possible. [...]

A Walk through the Clouds

Unless you live under a rock on a deserted island, chances are you have heard about, considered using, or are moving toward “The Cloud.”  It is now a prevalent and unavoidable topic of conversation that has finally made its way from computing industry professionals to the general populace.   In the very near future, “The Cloud” will have become just another term in the lexicon of technology that people accept as a part of their daily computer activity, even if they don’t entirely understand it.  Much like instant messaging, search engine, the web, and Wi-Fi, the cloud is rapidly becoming as much a part of our daily lives as the bowl of cereal we have to start our day. [...]

MailBag Friday (#2)

Every Friday, we dedicate this space to sharing Technical Support emails we have recently received.  Our hope is that this weekly feature will help to educate other ThinManager users and provide them with answers to questions they may have about licenses, installation, integration, deployment, upgrades, maintenance, and daily operation.  Great Technical Support is an essential part of any software product, and we are constantly striving to make your environment as productive and efficient as possible. [...]

The Evolution of the ThinManager Roadshow

This summer, representatives from ACP will once again embark on what has become a time-honored tradition – The ThinManager Roadshow.  For more than twelve years,ACP has been traveling across North America spreading the gospel of ThinManager everywhere they can and by any means necessary.  It is a somewhat outdated concept in a modern world filled with industry specific expos and online demonstrations, but to the people at ACP, it is just another thing that helps to differentiate them from the pack. [...]

MailBag Friday (#1)

Every Friday, we dedicate this space to sharing Technical Support emails we have recently received.  Our hope is that this weekly feature will help to educate other ThinManager users and provide them with answers to questions they may have about licenses, installation, integration, deployment, upgrades, maintenance, and daily operation.  Great Technical Support is an essential part of any software product, and we are constantly striving to make your environment as productive and efficient as possible. [...]

Configuration and Setup for a Terminal

Here at ACP we often speak at great length about all of the amazing features ThinManager has to make your facility more secure and efficient.  But while perusing our blog archives, I realized that perhaps we have neglected explaining the basics and have placed the cart before the horse.   So I have decided to dedicate this week to explaining one of the most basic processes necessary to implementing ThinManager – setting up a ThinManager ready thin client.

Terminal Configuration Wizard

To connect a new terminal to your ThinServer, you must first set the basic configuration via DHCP or via a static IP.  Once the server and the terminal are communicating with each other, it is just a matter of clicking the appropriate selection boxes as you navigate the Terminal Configuration Wizard [...]